Thursday, January 29, 2015

Introduction - Hello

I have created this blog ro record some of the reflections and prayers I have written during my time as minister of the National Unitarian Fellowship - the NUF.

The NUF is a spiritual roost for many of the people who land on our web site, <>.   Some are Unitaarians who value their individuality and do not want to become involved in the Unitarian organisation of chapels, congregations and fellowships - but they like to see what is going on; some are spiritual seekers who stop by to have a look at us.    They can stay as long as they like and we wish them success in their searching.   We are the fellowship for Unitarians who are unable to be part of a congregation either bcause there isn't one near enough or they are not able to travel easily.  Lastly the web site is a resource for all Unitarians.     There are discussions, worship material including sermons, e learning courses, magazines, poetry and prayers.  I hope you will have a look.  My listening ear is reachable through the NUF website.

As for me, it all started on a civic Sunday when I went to a Chapel in the town to see my daughter on parade as a Brownie.     'Now this is what they should be preaching about in church !'   I thought -  and so went another time on my own.   I enjoyed the freedom the preachers had to say what they liked about faith, whether it was about their own journey or about a world faith.   They could offer readings from any source and develop a discussion on them.  It was a free religion which was vaguely unorthodox Christian.   I stayed and eventually trained as one of their ministers.     I think of myself as a free spirit and in the right place.

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